Saturday, 22 March 2008

CTR Optimization · Ad Formats

Google provides several different types of ads with different formats. You generally are able to select from text and image ads or combine both. On this page I show you the different ad formats that are currently available and you get some hints when to use which one.


Some images have been reduced. If you move the mouse pointer over these ads they will be displayed with their original size. Some of the ads are marked with an asterisk (*). By clicking on these titles a useful example is displayed.

Text and Image Ads

Leaderboard (728 × 90) *

Because of its width this format is mostly used on the header or footer of a page. Because of its size this type of ad is not suited for screens with 800 × 600 pixel or less.

Leaderboard Leaderboard

Leaderboard Leaderboard

Banner (468 × 60) *

Banners are the most used types of ad formats. They mostly get used on the header or footer of a page. They may be used anywhere on a page if text flows above and below them. In the latter case you should take care that the page's width is not wider than the available area on the screen.

A banner is most effective if it is used to separate one textual paragraph from another.



Skyscraper (120 × 600) * and Wide Skyscraper (160 × 600) *

These ad formats can only be used if there is enough room on the left or right border of a page. But there they attract the most attention. Most of the time skyscrapers are the most effective type of ads in Google's AdSense program.

Skyscraper SkyscraperSkyscraper SkyscraperWide Skyscraper Wide SkyscraperWide Skyscraper Wide Skyscraper

The following ad formats are best for the use inside textual parts of a page. The can separate textual paragraphs or text may flow around them. You always should take care that there is some space between text and ad because your readers may get too much diverted from your page's content.

The half banner may be used to complement a regular banner, too. In some cases this may use the page's width more completely.

Button (125 × 125)


Half Banner (234 × 60)

Half Banner

Small Rectangle (180 × 150)

Small Rectangle

Vertical Banner (120 × 240)

Vertical Banner

Medium Rectangle (300 × 250) *

Medium Rectangle Medium Rectangle

Medium Rectangle Medium Rectangle

Square (250 × 250)

Quadrat Quadrat

Large Rectangle (336 × 280) *

Large Rectangle Large Rectangle

Link Blocks

Link blocks are very suitable to extend a navigation menu.

(120 × 90)
Displays up to 5 link blocks.

120 × 90

(120 × 90_4)
Displays up to 4 link blocks.

120 × 90

(160 × 90)
Displays up to 5 link blocks.

160 × 90

(160 × 90_4)
Displays up to 4 link blocks.

160 × 90

(180 × 90)
Displays up to 5 link blocks.

180 × 90

(180 × 90_4)
Displays up to 4 link blocks.

180 × 90

(200 × 90)
Displays up to 5 link blocks.

200 × 90

(200 × 90_4)
Displays up to 4 link blocks.

200 × 90

Wide link blocks are very suitable to separate on paragraph from another. They become very attractive if used with high-contrast colors.

(468 × 15) – Displays up to 5 link blocks.

468 × 15

(468 × 15_4) – Displays up to 4 link blocks.

468 × 15

(728 × 15) – Displays up to 5 link blocks.

728 × 15 728 × 15

(728 × 15_4) – Displays up to 4 link blocks.

728 × 15 728 × 15