Friday, 28 September 2007

How To Boost Blog's Traffic- And Make Money.

Ok. This is probably the most interesting and exciting part for most of you.

You might be:
- Just an ordinary blogger, and you would be happy if more people visit your blog.
- Just an ordinary blogger, but you would be happy to make some money out of your blog.
- A little more than an ordinary blogger. You write well, and think you deserve a large amount of cash for you blog.
- An exclusive writer, who thinks he can make tons of $ from his blog.

If you can fit yourself in one of the description above, follow these steps.

First step- Look and Feel.

If you enter a blog, and the writing in poor, the outlet is messy, the colors are disgusting and the topic is boring, wouldn't you just leave?
One of the most important things about a successful blog, is first of all the way it looks. When you start your blog, or have already started one and want to improve it, you should first of all think about the person visiting your blog. Ask yourself 'would I like to visit this blog?'
Important rules you should keep:
- Write about interesting stuff.
- Make sure you keep your Blog updated.
- Keep the blog organized:
Make sure your outlet- backgrounds, pictures, text color, text size, all look nice and clean.
- Make sure, or try your best, your punctuation is correct. Look for your spelling mistakes, if you find one- correct it.

If you make

sure you keep the rules above, I assure you your Blog will be a great one to visit and read. People will start talking about it, and it will start spreading as fast as the wind. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

Next- Make Sure your Blog is easy to Search for.

Their are plenty of different search engines. The main one are Google, Yahoo, Msn and so on. Make sure you let them know about your Blog!
How? For example, log onto, and search for submit site. The site you will find will be the following-
Start there, and follow the same process for any search engine you find.

Make sure you don't miss special Blog Searchers! For example- or or
And their are plenty more. Just search for 'Blog Search' and submit your site to them.

Check out sites that incourage people to visit your blog. Sites like-